Monday, November 2, 2015

A Daily Prayer Thought (November 2, 2015)

Our fellow believers who have gathered at Bangkok come from the four corners of the world. They are very different from each other in their language and cultures. If they were not serving the same Lord, these differences could lead to disunity. However, diversity is not a threat to unity when we bow before the same Lord, and commit to His Word, the Bible. Unity is not the same as uniformity. Uniformity is seeking to act the same on the outside, but unity is being bound together from the inside. Pray today for all the believers who have gathered together to discuss their common beliefs and commitment to the Lord. Pray that the differences they feel because of their different cultures will not overshadow the deep unity that they have for each other in their hearts. Pray that the Lord’s Spirit will draw them together and guide their thoughts and words.

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