Friday, October 9, 2015

Charis Daily Focus – October 9, 2015: United States of America

The Brethren movement began in Germany in 1708 when Alexander Mack and seven others were baptized, leading to the creation of churches whose passion was to return to the Scriptures for all matters of faith and practice. Many of these pioneers were forced to flee to the American colonies in order to freely practice their beliefs. Though the movement grew, it was not until 1900 that missions came to the forefront.

One of the leaders of the progressive brethren, Jacob Cassel, gave a stirring appeal for world evangelism and called for the creation of a foreign mission organization. He told the delegates, “If the evangelization of the world is to you what the north star is for a sailor; if you will always take your bearings from that God-focused center, your responsibility will be met.”  His words were electrifying for many of the delegates.  

However, the leader of the conference, not wanting to interrupt the flow of his agenda, told the mission enthusiasts that there was plenty of room outside under the trees if they wanted their missionary organization. Accordingly, 53 people went from the conference to a spot under the trees, to launch the most significant movement in Brethren history.

Thus began the adventure that would infuse the Brethren fellowship of churches with uncommon missionary zeal, captivating its finest minds and mobilizing its most dedicated youth. The global impact of the Brethren would eventually extend to the four corners of the world. Today the sun never sets on a Grace Brethren church.

Written by Tom Julien, Executive Director Emeritus, Encompass World Partners

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