Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Keep the Gospel Intact!

Florent Varak shared devotions on Friday morning at Charis International Leadership Encounter. Here are his comments:


Thank you Charis!

We are so happy about this event, which is extremely important for all of us, specifically for those of us from Europe:
  • Our churches are small in size and number, and Charis has given us a sense of family and security that is reassuring and encouraging.
  • I brought ideas/tools from France that I found in the EEFs elsewhere. Notably, discipleship groups (LTGs) and the Seven Miracles of Jean. The use of these resourcesare helpful and enriching for our churches.
  • Our churches have sound theology and yet are confronted with significant cultural challenges. Therefore, it is important for us to ask ourselves important questions and examine together our Biblical teachings in order to better respond to the challenges of this generation.

Charis, is therefore that brotherly platform which allows us to encourage one another in this domain.

Charis= grace
A group of Oxford professors were discussing the differences between religions. They wanted to understand if there was something distinctive or particular about Christianity. However, they were unable to reach a conclusion. C.S. Lewis also pondered this question, and the professors seized the occasion to ask him: "What distinguishes Christianity from other religions? Lewis responded, "It's simple...grace."

In all other religions, men try their best to merit heaven, to merit God. They imagine themselves at a great judgment where the good and the bad will be weighed on a balance and the result will determine who enters into the presence of God...
  • In monotheistic religions: you must do good, pray, fast, participate in services at the synagogue, church or mosque...
  • In atheistic religions and Easter spirituality: you must do good and/or pay in suffering
  • for the bad/evil done to other lives...
  • In the naturalistic religions of Africa and Asia: you must do good, honor ancestors,
  • and keep peace with the spirits...

But the problem, of course, is that none of this works.
  • Doing good to enter into heaven is like piling up chairs to reach the moon. It's completely disproportionate!
  • Suffering, honoring ancestors, keeping peace with spirits, carrying talismans or good luck charms, these things don't open the door to heaven, and they certainly don't change the heart.

I believe you all agree with all this, right? It's not our efforts nor our suffering nor our rituals/traditions that save us, right?

But for those of us who love Jesus, there is a real need to make things clear. Because, there
is an "evangelical version" of this false gospel:
  • They might say, you only have to accept Jesus into your heart - as if this proves their worthiness! I said to him, "come into my heart" and now, he owes me heaven.
  • They might say something like, you must be baptized to be a part of the church - but being consecrated to Jesus and worshipping Him with all your heart and soul aren't mentioned.
  • They might say something like, you must not commit adultery, don't lie, give your money to the poor (or to pastors!) - yet, they don't speak of intimacy with Christ who knows and understands our weaknesses and want to helps us in our struggles.

I was in Israel this summer. Pray for Israel. Pray for the Jews. That God opens their hearts. Many Messianic Jews spoke of their mission and work in this country - A difficult country where disciples of Christ are few. A young man spoke words that affected me. He spoke to the pastors and urged the elders with grace and tact saying, "PLEASE, preach the Gospel. When I was young, the only thing I heard at church was "'you must pray,' 'you must read the Bible,' 'you must witness,' 'you must, you must, you must,'...but it was only much later that I understood what the Gospel meant and how much it set me free."

And I said to myself..."Voilà, there it is, my subject for Charis. Beloved friends, it is my honor to finish this series of messages. And the final words that come to me are the words of the Apostle Paul as he addresses his young colleague at the end of his first letter.

Reference: 1 Timothy 6:20-21
20 O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,”  21 for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.

We will look at the following
  • Make sure your disciples know it
  • Make sure that your deposit is correct
  • Ensure that your deposit is pure
  • Ensure your disciples know it

Make Sure Your Disciples Know It
20 O Timothy...

Can you feel the weight, the solemnness of his words? It becomes all the more amusing that
Timothy is a friend and one that Paul has just finished writing six long chapters. And yet, histonality changes radically... " O Timothy..."

Imagine that Dave Guiles or Augustin Hibailé comes in front of you, places his hands on your
shoulders, looks you in the eyes and says "O Franck...O Paul... O Florent" I think I might start trembling!
  • Trembling with fear – Did I do something wrong/make a mistake?!
  • Trembling in anticipation – Is he going to tell me Jesus is coming back soon?!
  • In any case, he would have my full attention because I would understand he wanted to tell me something fundamentally important.

Paul wants to communicate something fundamental to Timothy.  Something that Timothy shouldn't miss.

Before looking into this fundamental issue, let me ask you a question. What will you leave behind [as a legacy]? What will your disciples remember of your life, of your ministry?

There is a tragic example in the Old Testament. Jehoiada was the priest, and King Joash was an 8 years old when he becomes king...
  • 2 "Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years of Jehoiada the priest." 2Chronicles 24:2

And once his mentor Jehoiada dies, Joash obeys the people. I don't know what happened. Did Jehoiada fail in equipping the King? Was the King weak and easily influenced?

"[O] Timothy"... Who are your disciples and what legacy do you leave them?

Make Sure Your Deposit is correct
Guard the deposit entrusted to you

Here, Paul uses a verb that describes the actions of a guard that monitors a city while everyone is asleep.
  • As if they have a treasure that wolves want to steal.
  • As if it is something essential for God's servant to protect. 

The verb also implies the actions: to obey, to follow, to dwell/focus/stay connected to.

In this way, Timothy must protect this treasure just as he should let it guide him. It is both a pearl to keep unharmed and intact, as well as the road on which to follow until the end of the path.

It's "this deposit" that worth keeping, that needs to be guarded. Paul is the only one to use this word and uniquely does in his two letters to Timothy (2 Tim.1:12, 1 Tim. 6:20, et 2 Tim. 1:14). It is therefore, a treasure that God entrusted to Paul and in turn, Paul entrusts to Timothy, urging him to preserve it faithfully.

And so, what is this deposit? this treasure?  When we look at the uses of this term, we perceive that it is about the essence of the Gospel and our walk with Christ Jesus.

One commentator writes:

Because this charge occurs in the conclusion to the epistle, παραθήκη refers at least to the epistle (and perhaps to the gospel and Timothy’s ministry as a whole), which can be summed up, as it is in these two verses, as a call to guarding the truth of the Gospel and avoiding the empty chatter of the heresy.Mounce, W. D. (2000). Pastoral Epistles (Vol. 46, p. 371). Dallas: Word, Incorporated.

O Timothy, keep/protect the Gospel! The Gospel is not only the open door to salvation,it is the center of the whole Christian life. It is the core of every Christian preaching/message. It is the motivation for every Christian walk. It is the unmovable center of our ministry. The Gospel IS Jesus Christ. And, Jesus Christ is our life, Him and Him alone. Anything put about the centrality and authority of Christ places a church on a foundation of sand, and the church will crumble.

The Gospel:
  • Is the cry from the mouth of Jesus: "It is finished."
  • It is the theological affirmation God the Father makes at the cross.
  • It is the belief that I can never please God on my own, but Christ alone made the way for me
  • The Gospel is to trust in Jesus alone, to the point of surrendering your whole self to Him fully. 

Keep the Gospel intact. Protect it, the centrality of Christ, and all-sufficiency of Christ's work. There is nothing to add to Him. He lived the perfect life I should have lived. He knew the death that I should have known. He resurrected to bring me into the Father's presence.

Why is this important? Because there is always the temptation to add something else to the Gospel...

Make Sure Your Deposit is Pure
Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,”

There are Christians who become "experts" on unnecessary topics/questions. Some were interested in the time of genealogies, while others dedicated their whole lives around obscure and difficult questions.

One day, I had to speak at a Catholic university about the sacraments and how Evangelical Christians view them. And, I was sad to see that the Catholics bickered about the order of Mass!
  • I have heard Evangelical Christians have strong opinions about musical instruments, about the style of the church service and worship, about the way the church must act.
  • It's interesting,'s not the Gospel, and sometimes it testifies to a lack of good priorities.
  • It's falsely called knowledge

Protect the Gospel. [Keep it in tact.] Center your ministry on the Gospel: The Eternal Son of
God who became flesh, carried our sorrows, and led us to the Father.

He calls us into a complete and absolute trust, to the point where we follow Him in faith until the end.

Make Sure Your Disciples Know It
21 for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.

I know; this is the same point as the first. But, Paul emphasizes how some became so focused on things that are secondary that they missed the whole point. They missed the goal.

To the Corinthians, the Apostle even says:
5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?  6 And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test. (2 Corinthians 13.5–6 (NIV))

I'm frightened by the way the Lord Jesus finished His sermon on the Mount:
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matt 7.21–23)

The Good Deposit is Redemptive
The Gospel is (1) intimately tied to Jesus Christ  (2) a sort of universal commandment to surrender to and trust in Christ alone (3) the way in which man is saved and by which he attains and abides in God (4), and to reject it results in condemnation and eternal separation from the Lord.

Fundamentally, The Gospel is substitutionary (cf. 1 Cor. 15:2-4; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5-6; Heb. 9:28, 1 Cor. 1:30; Gal. 3.13)

The Gospel, is Christ Jesus who lived the perfect life I should have lived (but never did), who endured the death which I should have died (One I will not endure) and who resurrected a life that I should not live (and yet one that I will live eternally).
  • The Gospel allows me to live with God: Jesus represents me before the Father and carries the weight of my sin, and sends me His Spirit when I repent with confidence that I might live only by Him and for Him until the final resurrection when I will be fully like Him.
  • Jesus is the perfect revelation of the Father and the perfect representation of man. He is the Son of God who became the Son of Man to live a perfect life and to accept His death, physically and spiritually [separation from the Father] to pay the moral debtmen owe God because of their sins.
  • Jesus invited me to respond to the proclamation of the Gospel and the conviction of the Spirit to verbalize my faith in what He did for me. He gave me a new life, and He abides in me through His Spirit in order to progressively transform me into His image. When He returns, I will be resurrected to a new body, eternal and incorruptible, to live in His presence with all those who are saved.
  • His life for mine. My life for His.

The Good Deposit and Preaching
The Gospel is the free and transforming gift of Christ that should be the center of your ministry,
  • Do not preach the commandments -but the grace of God that teaches us to obey.
  • Do not preach about threats –but the love of the God who embraces us and makes us plead for men to be reconciled to Him.
  • Give hope to those who are hopeless and discouraged about their daily sanctification. Give young disciples the vision that God's love is all-sufficient. That Jesus Christ is sufficient.

I pray that the men and women of our congregations who have always believed the Gospel is just as series of commandments will become Christians by grace.

The Good Deposit and Missions
When the Gospel, the initiative of God to lift up fallen men and women, takes form in the entirety of your life, then you will see how great your sin is and how unmerited grace is. Then, you will understand the need to communicate to the nations, to people different than yourselves, those of other cultures and ethnicities, the need to know God. You will see how much evangelists go before pastors, and how pastors go before teachers, and how each person does their work so that the deposit of the Gospel continues to spread from Paul, to Timothy, to you, to your disciples, and to the Church God has entrusted to you.

Final Version of CCCI Now Available

The final version of the Charis Commitment to Common Identity is now available in the “Documents” area of The document was unanimously approved by delegates to the 2015 Charis International Leadership Encounter, which was held last week in Bangkok, Thailand.
An additional copy with supporting Scripture references will be available this Friday. (References are supplied only as a courtesy. They were not voted on by The Charis Alliance).
A new version with professional graphic design will be available on November 15.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Charis Encounter Concludes

The Charis International Leadership Encounter ended Friday, November 6, with a three-fold communion service led in the three languages of Charis – English, French, and Spanish.

It came at the end of a day when the 30 delegates from 19 countries where there are Grace Brethren ministries considered how to move forward as an international network of churches. Each delegate signed a charter that seeks to promote fellowship and cooperation on the regional and international level among associations of churches that endorse the Charis Commitment to Common Identity and Mission.

It is expected the group will reconvene in 2020.

Click here for photos of Friday's events.

A Daily Prayer Thought (November 7, 2015)

For the past week we have been earnestly praying for the Lord’s guidance in the meetings in Bangkok. Now is the time to thank God for His intervention. The Bible tells us again and again to pray with thankful hearts. Too often we take for granted God’s answers to our prayers and forget to express our gratitude. Paul reminds us that we should present our requests to God with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6). When we do not see immediate responses to our prayers, we must never forget that whenever we pray in faith, God hears, decrees answers, and sends his angels as ministering spirits. However, though our prayers reach God immediately, His answers often pass through a veritable obstacle of spiritual opposition. We must pray without ceasing, knowing that His plan will be accomplished. We praise God for your faithfulness in intercession during this significant week.

Go to for daily news and prayer updates.

Friday, November 6, 2015

A Daily Prayer Thought (November 6, 2015)

The meetings in Bangkok are just a day from their conclusion. Let us pray for the Lord’s guidance, using Paul’s prayer in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 as a model: “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Prayer changes circumstances, but it also changes us. Sometimes the Lord has to change us before He gives us what we are asking, so that we will be able to see our lives and situations from His perspective. Prayer is the means of transferring ownership for our lives, and all they touch, to our Lord and King.

Go to for daily news and prayer updates.

Charis Conference Tours Bangkok

With much of their work behind them, delegates to the Charis International Leadership Encounter in Bangkok, Thailand, took Thursday to see some of the sights of this ancient city.

In the morning, the group boarded busses for the Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddah. After enjoying a Thai lunch along the Chao Phaya River, the group visited Wat Pho, another historic temple.

Friday the group goes back to work as they look to the future of the Charis movement. The week concludes Friday evening with three-fold communion led by Dr. Francois Ngoumape.

Delegates from 19 countries which are home to Grace Brethren ministries have been meeting since November 2 to discuss the consider, improve, and endorse the Charis Commitment to Common Identity. On Wednesday, after extended discussion, the group voted unanimously to adopt the document.

See photos and videos from the Charis conference at

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Daily Prayer Thought (November 5, 2015)

God’s ability to answer is always greater than our ability to ask. After his prayer in Ephesians 3:11-19, the great missionary Paul breaks out in praise to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Even when prayers are not answered immediately, they are not forgotten. The Bible tells us that the elders surrounding God’s throne hold golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. (Revelation 5:8) At God’s appointed time these bowls will be poured out. Often we are at a loss to know just how to pray, but when we lift ourselves up to the Lord, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. He intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will (Romans 8:26-27). Prayer is not simply asking—it is submission to His will. In worship, we can offer ourselves and others as spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.

Go to for daily news and prayer updates.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Delegates Approve Commitment of Common Identity

Nigerian delegates Clison Djendode and Enoch Kalta
Koularambaye cast their vote to approve the
Commitment to Common Identity.
As the name of each country was called in the chronological order in which our movement entered it, delegates gathered in Bangkok stood and responded to the question, “How do you vote?” One by one, they said, ‘si!’, ‘oui!’ and ‘yes!’ By unanimous vote, they approved the Commitment of Common Identity as the fresh expression of the core beliefs and values of our global movement.

After extended applause, Dr. Dave Guiles, the coordinator of the Charis Steering Committee, read the following:

In 1883, at the first conference of The Brethren Church, our spiritual forefathers discussed a proposal to adopt a series of statements about our identity. Because of their fear of written statements, they rejected those proposals and instead declared the New Testament as our only creed.

By 1892, while they reaffirmed that only the Bible could be considered our creed, they proceeded to adopt a series of written statements to help them explain what made their movement unique from other evangelical churches.

By 1921, in the midst of growing concern about the influences of liberalism both within and outside of our churches, our forefathers created The Message of the Brethren Ministry. For several decades it would serve to evaluate the theological positions of those who wanted to become pastors. Later it would be adopted by all the churches.

By 1969, in an effort clearly designed to demonstrate what made us different from similar evangelical groups, the churches of the United States adopted our current Statement of Faith. With little modification, this Statement was translated and employed in our efforts to begin churches around the world. It has served us well for many years.

But it never was the desire of our forefathers that the Statement of Faith would remain a static document. With this in mind, in 1983 we added the following phrase as a preamble:
 The Statement of Faith is the current expression of a never ending effort
to clarify an understanding of the primary doctrines we accept.

With those words, future generations were guaranteed permission for the work that brought us to this historic moment. And, in contrast to four previous efforts to summarize our doctrines, the Charis Commitment to Common Identity is truly the product of our global movement.

On this historic day, November 4, 2015, the thirty delegates representing Grace Brethren Churches in nineteen countries have voted unanimously to endorse a document that took three long years to complete. The Charis Commitment to Common Identity represents the most inclusive mobilization of global leaders in the 300-year history of our movement. And it ushers in a new day of global cooperation among those who trace our ancestry back to the courageous actions of Alexander Mack and his fellow believers.

We must stress that our work is not complete. Next week we begin the work of explaining our actions to the churches we represent. Then we must invite them to endorse our Commitment to Common Identity. Lord willing, the unanimity we have experienced today will echo throughout the Grace Brethren world. Let us pray daily toward that goal!

Second, today we must commit ourselves to the ongoing improvement of the CCCI. Before God and the world, we freely admit this is not a perfect document. In fact, no human document will ever be perfect, no matter how many people or how many hours are invested in it. So let’s mark our calendars. Lord willing, in 2020 some of us will meet again, in a location yet-to-be-determined, to create the next summary of our beliefs and practices.

But though the Commitment to Common Identity is not perfect, we declare that it is good enough. And for now, we rejoice!

So we conclude this historic moment with the words of the Apostle Paul, who exhorts us still today:

Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith— to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen. Romans 16:25-27.

In honor of the role of that North American has fulfilled in the spread of our movement around the world, Rev. Bartley Sawatski, executive director for the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches, was invited to close the session with a prayer of dedication.

Discussion of Commitment to Common Identity Continues at Charis

After a day of reviewing the second draft of the Commitment to Common Identity, delegates to the Charis International Leadership Encounter began Wednesday morning with Bible teaching from Keith Minier, pastor of Grace Fellowship in Pickerington, Ohio, USA. He challenged delegates to run to Jesus.

“There is no king that even compares to Jesus,” he said.

The group spent targeted time in prayer for various countries who are experiencing difficulties, as well.

The next draft of the Commitment to Common Identity was presented and discussed in the three language groups: English, Spanish, and French.

This afternoon, the group will meet to review the third draft of the Commitment to Common Identity and are scheduled to vote on its adoption. Later in the afternoon, various workshops on a variety of topics will be available for delegates.

Follow for regular updates and photos from the day.

A Daily Prayer Thought (November 4, 2015)

When we pray, things happen that would not happen if we did not pray. Of course some will say, “Wasn’t everything planned by God before human history began?” Yes, but before history began God knew whether you would pray today for the people meeting in Bangkok. Human history is woven around the prayers of His people. Further, through prayer we have the privilege of penetrating the veil that separates us from that mysterious, invisible world of darkness. It is possible that the people you are praying for today are experiencing spiritual opposition. Pray that they will affirm their position in Christ and resist the devil. Through prayer God sends angels as ministering spirits to serve and protect those who are His servants. All of us face spiritual dangers on a daily basis from the powers of darkness. Our prayers will create a wall of security around those who are meeting in Bangkok.

Go to for daily news and prayer updates.

Wednesday Morning Challenge: Keith Minier

Title: “TO”
Text: Colossians 1:15-20

I am honored and humbled to be asked to share with this group. What an incredible blessing to be a part of this event.

I want to share something with us today that is not new, but it should never become old. It is a profound truth that has a very important principle in the middle of it.


One of my friends was telling me about their friend. A young woman. As he described her he began to tell me how she is a woman that runs from relationship to relationship. He said she just keeps giving herself to bad relationships over and over. She just goes from one to another and then from that one to another one.

As I reflected on that, something hit me. There is always a problem when we are running ‘from’ versus running ‘to.’ Sure, when we run from something, we inevitably go to something, but the question is, “what is the driving motivation?” ‘From’ is about the ugliness or awfulness of the current thing versus ‘to’ is about the beauty and awesomeness of the other thing. The problem with ‘from’ is there is no guarantee you take a step up. You just might get away from one issue and go to another. But ‘to’ means you are moving forward.

You know this: you ran from a job, a boss, a house, a drug, a relationship - but there was a not a better ‘to’ - so you just stayed at a place where you just keep doing ‘from’ over and over again.

Key Thought

The power is in the ‘to,’ not the ‘from.’

Here is the reality. We have to acknowledge the truth about false gods: they seduce us into stuff. These false kings that never work; they get you believing promises that they are never going to give you. Truth be told, they crop out the disaster of where you are headed. (need to explain crop)

You end up with this taken from you, you feel like a failure, you have regrets, shame, fears, and insecurities that flow from this these kings, idols. We can all list things in our contexts that promise fulfillment and they may for a season, but it eventually runs out. 
  • Stop running from the other kings and start running to THE King.
  • the issue though, is that we keep hearing about how bad that stuff is - we get tempted and although we might run from that thing we just try and another - because we have not clearly communicated how good moving to Jesus is. 
  • when you see how good He is - you want that as your satisfaction and everything else looks silly - and even if you go back to it - you know it is foolish  

Colossians 1:15-20
The Supremacy of the Son of God

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,  and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

He is That Good

There is no king that even compares to Jesus. -He is God (the image of God)
  • He is over all creation (He rules creation)
  • He holds everything together (creator) 
  • He is the head of the church
  • He is victorious over death (firstborn from the dead)
  • He sought you through the cross (reconciler of all things)
    • Jesus is King and you want Him to be.
      • so get this: Jesus reigns regardless if we recognize this or not 
      • whether you believe it or not - he reigns and he is all the things that this passage says.
      • if he does not (reign)- what do we have left? - you can’t do it; no one can do what he does
      • do you want humanity to be god, do you want you to be god, do you want talent, treasures, and triumphs of good work to determine your life?
      • is it just about rush to rush to rush - what hope do we really have for big? 
‘To’ Jesus

1. the thing you need most is provided
  • in King Jesus we are offered many things
  • hope, purpose, direction, an example, a better life, peace, forgiveness, everlasting life
  • but above all that - he offers all of this in the thing you need more than anything 
  • a right relationship with him - a reconnection back to what God wanted and intended 
  • a place where you get to feel his love - power - something that provides hope for this life and the life to come 
  • Illustration: in every part of the world - there are moments where we believe if we just ‘got this’ would just be may have been that shirt, or that computer, or that watch or even that ministry tool, but in the end - what we pursue we do not need - it does not solve the longings of our soul 
  • the promotion is great - but the value we long to feel is not met
  • the relationship is awesome - but we need a something with an intimacy that says I will love you at your worst and never leave you
  • the new shiny stuff is good - but we need something that will fill that sense of longing, something lasting, even eternal
  • you need a king that shows you how valuable you really are, a king that knows all and says “bring it on,” a king that says I am the same yesterday, today and forever, the one who is the alpha and omega
  • you chase those kings the world says to chase - they leave you broken and hurt and in regret
  • Jesus meets you in your brokenness and puts you back together 
  • and in this relationship - everything you want, you need and even what you do not know you need, is filled 
  • Illustration: it’s like doing a puzzle - you keep trying to find the piece to make it all come together - so often you go back to one that looks the part and you try to force it and sometimes you try it over and over - but it is not the one you need - then you find it; the right piece - the whole puzzle comes together - but without that piece - it is off - it is incomplete 
  • Jesus is that piece - He is the King - the only King that says everything you need is found in me - no name can solve this but Jesus 
2. a version of you that you want emerges
  • this passage tells us that Jesus is God
  • He is the creator and sustainer of all things - all things! 
  • He is the one who overcame death and provides life 
  • in Him - he begins to give you a kind of life you did not even know was possible 
  • you begin to see and say things and do things you didn’t even know were possible for you - stuff that you are like, “where did that come from?” 
  • llustration: I had a coach who used to say - it is my job to pull out of you ability and skill that you did not even know what is in there - when I drive you, push you, run you, sit you, coach you - I am trying to get at what you do not even know is in there - I remember this one big guy on our team - he started doing things defensively - and one day he said out loud - I cannot believe this was in me!
  • you look at yourself and you say I wish I could be more forgiving, more patient, have more self-control, not worry so much, have a personal security in how I was made, be bold to talk about my faith, say no to my friends, so yes to other priorities 
  • Jesus says I am truth, I am life - and suddenly real life begins to emerge out of you; stuff you did not even know was in you - it happens as you focus on Jesus 
  • story: I went to the calling hours of couple in our church and the woman had lost her dad, as I talked to them and her mom - she said in the middle of this - I have said and done things I never thought I would do and that came as I focused on Jesus 
3. upgrades become no longer necessary
  • the text tells us He is before all things - He is eternal
  • one of my least favorite parts about iPhone and iPads and my computer is the whole update thing - there is a new version of an app or whatever - I always think just give me one that works as well as it needs to and will ever need to. 
  • there is no need to get a new king or try and upgrade with Jesus 
  • what he does is timeless, what he offers is timeless
  • there is nothing that will be created that will force him to change or make him out of date, there is no sin that will make his grace not enough 
  • you will always want more money, more power, more fame - you will never be able to be good enough or crack the code on earning faith – you do not need to. 
Go Forward
Quit putting down other kings and begin propping up Jesus.

When the iPod launched in October of 2001, Apple had a very effective marketing strategy. They did not spend time telling you that your portable CD player or that other mp3 players were dumb. They said here is the thing that is awesome. Their line was “1000 songs in your pocket.” It was not, “we have 1000 and your cd player only has 14,” or “your mp3 player is lame and not as cool as this and cannot hold the same number.” They said, “Look how awesome the iPod is.”

Let’s make a decision individually and corporately to not take shots at other people’s beliefs loudly and inappropriately and to pound our chest about how we are right and they are wrong, but let’s shine bright (like a diamond). Let’s live in a way that they ask what is making us shine. What is our source? Let’s adorn Jesus well. Let’s show them our savior who came. Let’s present his grace, his forgiveness, his hope, his mercy, his care, his value, his character. Show the world how amazing this King is, so they find themselves saying, “Why would I want to choose another king?” “Of course, I would not run from anything, because I am running TO that.”